Someone make me feel better!!!! Read description!


Ok so I normally have a 28ish day cycle. I ovulated last month on the 14th which I confirmed with an OPK... this month I started testing on CD11 and my test like was dark but not as dark as the control line.. Day 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 my opks have only gotten lighter and lighter.... I am hoping maybe I could have ovulated on CD11? Since that was the darkest line i got through this cycle... maybe I should have started testing CD10?? I'm just hoping I'm not totally out for this month when I'm only on CD18! :( this is only cycle #2 of ttc but I really don't want to be out before I even get halfway through the tww. (Also I was testing every day in the evening at the same time) also I haven't noticed any difference in my cm this entire cycle and didn't have any other ovulation symptoms. Last month I did but that was the first time I ever noticed them.

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