18 weeks with unbearable pain

Sandy 🇭🇹🇭🇹 • ❣27• Boy Momma here 👶🏽👶🏽💙💙 2018 & 2020❣

Hello ladies I'm a FTM and Im currently 18 weeks as of today. Since Sunday night I have been having these lower abdominal pains which I could tolerate my Husband bought me some Tylenol and a warming pad because they felt like period cramps(No bleeding). So I let it go and ended up falling asleep as the pain began to ease for me that night. Now Monday morning I woke up out of bed and as I start walking around I felt the pain and as I continued to move around throughout the day it got worse so I started panicking, so I called my mother and she informed me to either go straight to the ER but I called my OB first and let them know at 3pm and they told me to take some Tylenol and rest up until 5pm to see if I got better well I didn't. I woke up at 5pm and told my mom and called my husband and let them know I was headed into the ER I get there and they do the whole nine and the doctor told me that it could be round ligament pain. So I'm like cool she said it should ease I just shouldn't do too much so I said okay. Tuesday I'm home with my husband barely moved out of bed and slept half the day but I started realizing that it started getting really hard for me to get out of bed on my own so at this point my husband is helping get up and helping me walk. Now last night I took some meds went to bed at around 9 and painfully got woken up by severe pain. This pain is only on my right side but last night it traveled from the front to the side and the right side of my back 😩. I started crying out of my sleep and woke my husband up because I couldn't handle it I am heading back to the hospital right now but what could this be because I don't think round ligament pain should be this painful and last this long and it's not getting better it's actually getting worse. What could this be !!!!!! Thanks for reading in advance I know this was pretty long.