Our perfect rainbow baby!

After suffering from a heartbreaking miscarriage last April, I had completely turned against my body. I thought why in the world can't I do the one thing a woman is supposed to be able to do?! I just didn't understand why this had to happen to us. Well four short months later, I found out that I was pregnant again, and I was a mess. I was convinced that the same thing would happen again, and I couldn't have my heartbroken again. After my 8 week appointment all was great, but I was still worrying. 12 week appointment and all was still great. With every appointment my worries slowly grew smaller and smaller. And finally we got to meet this precious angel 
This is our perfect in every way rainbow baby. 
Lennox Autumn Smith
She was born on April 23, 2015 
8lbs 2oz & 21.5 inches long!
After she was born I realized that if it wasn't for our miscarriage, I would have never had this sweet baby girl & I already have no idea what we would do without her! 
One day we'll get to meet her sweet brother or sister in heaven.
Stay strong ladies, everything DOES happen for a reason💕💕