Opinions on cows milk?

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM

Ok I know this can be a hot topic and I know it’s recommended to wait until one...

Here’s my reasoning, my son is 11 months I’m ready to stop BF by one and so I want to start introducing milk in his cups he already uses some for water...

I can’t pump but an oz or two at a time and it takes me forever so I really just don’t have time to do it a whole lot I would love to be able to put my milk in a cup but I can’t!

I’ve been researching and looking into the recommendations and find the two big issues are allergies and iron deficiencies, so if he took to it fine and I made sure he still gets plenty of iron rich foods and BM still at times I think it should be ok?

What’s your thoughts if I were to pump what I can and mix a few oz of cows milk simply to get him a) used it cows milk b) used to drinking a feeding from a cup ....he’s a BF baby all the way and just wants me which is why I want to start working with him! Lol I’m ready for him to be on more of a schedule with a cup of milk, he still comfort nurses all the time...

What are your thoughts? I realize I can ask my dr but he just had an apt and doesn’t have another until a a year old!