

Now I have never really been a person that believes in ghosts mostly because it scares me. I try to stay away from things that I feel would open the door for them. However last night my dog started acting really weird. He normally sleeps in my bed and when I woke up to use the bathroom, I saw him laying in the bed asleep. I went back to sleep and woke up to him staring at me, crying. I started talking to him and noticed that he started looking at the wall. He then starts growling at the wall. This of course scared me but I picked him up and put him in the bed. He eventually gets up and leaves my room again but comes back does the same thing but looked at the other side of the wall. I also saw his eyes moving back and forth like he was tracking something. I started praying and then he stops growling and leaves again. About 30 minutes later he’s back but gets in the bed and goes to sleep. I just thought this was weird and didn’t know what it meant. He does have diabetes and has been losing his eyesight. Normally if I’m sleeping and see that he’s crying it’s because he wants under the covers but he wasn’t even in the bed when he did this. Does anyone know what he could have been doing?