Implantation Bleeding

Emily • 28 | two sweet babies in heaven 👼🏼👼🏼 | my day will come when it is supposed to 🫶🏻


My last period started on Nov. 13, ovulation was estimated to be on or around Dec. 3, we BD Nov. 25,26,27 & Dec. 2,6,11. AF is due Dec. 18.

I usually cramp like a b**** the week leading up to AF & my app is no more than 3 days off on estimating every months AF arrival. So far, I haven’t cramped or anything. Some lower back pain but that’s it. My boobs are pretty sore & feel “full.” My face is covered in acne. 🙄 Today, I’ve had some creamy brownish discharge & a tiny bit light pink/brown when I wipe. I feel a little bloated but it’s super low, which I usually don’t feel it as low as I feel it this time. According to a <a href="">due date calculator</a>, with putting in my last period it estimated I would have conceived in Dec. 6 & implantation would occur today (estimation.)

Should I get my hopes up?

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I’m currently experiencing implantation bleeding and this is our 3rd child it’s a good sign baby dust to you ✨