Still struggling to be happy

Hi ladies,
My hubby and I had a miscarriage back in April and I'm still struggling to find my happy self. We had agreed to try but there was no pressure on having a baby and when we found out we were both so happy and excited we booked flights to tell his family after 12 weeks but then lost the baby at 8. We are flying out this week and I'm getting so depressed knowing what was supposed to be a happy time telling the family and then the world is really just going to suck! His sister is also now 10 weeks pregnant and rubbing it in everyone's face but she doesn't know about our loss. I don't know if I should tell her or just suck it up and be happy for her. 
Hubby now says he doesn't want kids and he wasn't ready, I think he's worried we might lose another but it's breaking my heart to think he doesn't want to try. He doesn't even want to have sex!!
I'm just so confused and don't know what to do 😢