Home stay not working mommas

Rr • Between love and hate . I choose love . Spread it even if you dont get it back.

Hi i want to make a fb group of home stays mommas

If all below points are true for u n u wanna join do let me know

1. Home stay momma of atleast one baby under 2 year old

2. If u r mother of 1 or 2 babies. ( under 4)

3. U r struggling with ur body image(if not always then sometimes)

4. U struggle to come up with different new activities day to day sometimes

5. Feel alone

6. Have been through low -medium level depression somedays

7. U can be a positive part of group - without bitching on anyone in group

Sorry hv been parts of some seriously awkward groups thats why tryjng to make particular group for mommas , who r home stay n dont want negativity in life for no stupid reason, coz baby exhaustion is enough 😜😜


Sorry if any words of mine are disturbing

Do let me know ur fb profile if interested .

P.s: m momma of one bAby girl 9 months old, stay at hone, not skinny at all, n yup it gets lonely when most mothers around me are working .