In need of mommy advice for this winder 😩❄️


What do you mommy’s (that live in areas where it snows) do when your baby/child’s Daycare is on a delay and/or closed but yet you have to be at work by 7 am? Fortunately I do have my grandparents still around and my mom can also work form home if she wants too so I could take my son to one of their houses however that means driving all over the place early in the AM before roads are taken care of with my baby in the car and then having to pay for Daycare that my child won’t even be attending (I know that’s how it works when you don’t take your child however depending on how many delays/snow days they do in a winter that’s a lot of days I’m paying for them to not even be watching my son). So I guess I’m just looking for advice on what you other mommy’s do.