Anybody else?

Kirsten • Pregnant with our first and it’s a boy 5-9-18💙💙 Nayland Kenneth-Russell💙💙 Nursing student 👩‍🎓. Married to the love of my life 💙.

so I went for my anatomy scan Monday and I'm currently 19 weeks. We found out our baby is a boy and we are so excited! The only thing they found on his ultrasound was choroid plexus cysts on his brain. She said they were symetrical so that was a good sign. She said the normal is between a 5 and a 10 but his is measuring a 9.6 and she is only a little bit concerned with it. The doctor is having me come back when I'm 23 weeks for another ultrasound to see if everything is normal. She said since there are no other abnormalities that 95% of the time means nothing but they had me do a genetic testing which I get the results back in a week. Everything was perfect besides the cyst and she told me not to stress about it but I have really bad anxiety. I'm just curious if anybody else has gone through this.