Is $200 too much for Christmas?

Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 10 months. It'll 10 months this month on the 22nd. Is $200 too much to spend on him? I know he won't be spending that much on me but I don't care I just want to give him a good Christmas. But if it's too much, I'll cut some stuff. I just am very giving and don't know the line.

*i am definitely not rolling in the dough. I work part time. I'll do my best to cut it short. I think I can figure something out with around $75. We are about to move in together at the end of December and we see each other everyday. He tells his friends that I basically live there because I do everything there and sleep there. My stuff is just still at my parents house. We aren't splitting up anytime soon and it's not causal dating. We are pretty serious about each other. But spending less would be ideal. All the stuff I want to get him is just expensive! *in our late 20's