Not sure what to do..

I’m very confused. I’m not pregnant (ttc tho), and recently had my period. My periods have been very unpredictable lately so im not sure when O is, but I do a general track using this app and checking CM. I dont think I’m ovulating now, and am not “scheduled” to until around Christmas. BUT, I’ve been feeling different lately. My period was 4 days early, had no cramps associated with it, and was only 2.5 days of blood then 3 days of spotting (usually bleed for 5 days then spot for 1-2). I’ve been extremely fatigued, nauseous on and off, getting mild nosebleeds, and having extreme mood swings. To top it off (and really, the point of the post), my breasts have been leaking yellow colostrum even though I haven’t nursed my son since August. I’ve taken a test this morning because it’s been that weird and it was negative. Any thoughts? Is it worth calling the doctor- I hate to waste their time so I’m always hesitant on when to reach out. I’m going on with life assuming I’m not, but at the same time I wonder if anyone else has experienced something like this?