
I've been on the pill for 10 months now and I haven't taken a pill more than 2 hours late in over a month. Basically, I'm really good with my pill. I had protected sex with a condom this past Monday. He pulled out and ejaculated on my chest. A drop got on my upper thigh that I noticed that I wiped away so I'm sure it didn't get in there...yet, I'm a super paranoid person. I went through a "pregnancy scare" months before I even started having sex. I always make sure I'm super carful. It's only been 4 days, but I still feel that these normal things I'm experiencing could be "symptoms." I use another <a href="">period tracker</a> app that tells me my ovulation period which gives me even more anxiety since it told me I was likely to get pregnant on the day I had sex. But I'm not suppose to be ovulating with birth's freaking me out. I haven't felt sick at any point in the day. I think I still have ovulation pain because my boobs were only a tad bit soar, my lower back was for a few minutes last night, and I had pain in my ovary for a few minutes last night as well. I usually have ovulation symptoms and I google it and get mixed results. I don't want to talk to my mom or call my doctor. Can someone calm my nerves or give some insight? By the way, my next period is suppose to start in the next 10-13 days