Stretch marks

So over the past couple of months I’ve gained so much weight and i feel like crap but i am going to work on that because lately I’ve noticed that all my jeans don’t fit me and I feel so insecure about that.. I’ve been getting (((a lot)))of stretch marks and I was wondering if anyone who has stretch marks does it go away as you lose weight like I know it’s a difficult process but does your work?! Like I know it wouldn’t completely go away I’ve done a lot of research but I wanted to know if anyone who has gained a lot of weight and had a lot of stretch marks ,,does it disappear in a matter of time not completely but less noticeable? I hate that i let myself do this to my body and i dont have all the money to get removals and stuff like that. Would a change in diet and exercise make my skin nicer?! Its so damaged... like i have so much cellulite and dark spots it’s so ugly. Any response would be very helpful! Thanks