My baby matters too!


So rant... My mom was really involved with my sisters pregnancy this past year. I suffered a MC durring her pregnancy but I'm alright and moved on. I'm now 5w4d pregnant and she basically keeps telling me not to do things for my baby because I could MC but I only knew for 4 days last time so I didn't get to do anything. So I'm trying to go all out and injoy everything in case. I feel like she was happier for my sister because she trapped a guy with a house and a good paying job. I am pregnant by the love of my life and plan a very long and happy marriage with him. Now I'm not sure if telling her relived stress or added it. I'm very bloated and very mean so she keeps telling me I'm pmsing. "you dont bloat when your pregnant. you bloat when your about to start" fool you have 5 kids. and a high school abortion (her mom made her)..are you kidding me. I am pregnant!!!! be happy or go away! oh shes also trying to by a house an hr away. like thanks mom ill be sure to not invite you to the hospital when I give birth to my strong rainbow baby! just went to the doc today got a call about an hr ago telling me how good my levels are. sorry rant over.

Update: So I'm 16 weeks now and everything is good. Doc apointment on thurs to schedule an ultrasound to find out the sex. Mom is on board and has bought things and is helpful and actually being involved with this pregnancy. We even looked at mobiles tonight. She keeps telling me its a girl but I'm hoping for a boy. It seems to be a boy year. I'm just glad things are looking up for my little rainbow baby.🍼👶🌈