I am proud of myself!


Judge me all you want I don’t care because guess what it’s natural!

Okay anyway I recently stopped shaving because it takes way to long and I hate doing it but also so I can prove a point not just to myself but to everyone. Society makes women feel like they have to shave and if they don’t they are gross and nobody will want them. I don’t like feeling like that so I didn’t shave and let my legs,pits and vagina hair grow. I wore shirts that showed it because I’m proud of my body and my hair it’s sad that we as women have to do certain things even though the stuff that we have to change men don’t and it’s natural. I saw a post that really wanted me to do this was a man saying that it’s unnatural and related it to a tumor that a tumor is a natural thing but it shouldn’t be there. Guys don’t have to shave so why should we or at least why do I. Why do I have to be put down for something that is a natural thing that I have since I was little. Why does it affect the way people look at me. It’s just hair.

I know this sounds stupid that I’m proud of myself and everything but I really am I’m proud that I’m doing my own thing and not letting people and society make me do things. Please go ahead and call me nasty and stuff I really don’t care

WARNING ⚠️ If you don’t wanna see something that’s natural then click away!

This is my legs and armpit that I haven’t shaved in over a month {my leg hair is a lot longer in person😂}

Update! I shaved my vag because I have a surgery soon and it’s to remove a cyst that’s in there and so I didn’t want it to be a jungle and hard for the gynecologist 😂 I also love seeing all the pictures and comments from people doing the same thing! It’s amazing