Overcompensating for yourself???


Hey everyone, I was just having one of those weeks where I just want to help as many people as I can more than usual... anybody else have these moments? It happens a lot for me. I suck at practicing self care because up until maybe a year and a half ago I never really took care of myself, but I always get these urges to help everyone I can, whether it’s friends, family, strangers, or even people on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. I love helping people, which is part of why I want to be a teacher. Worst problem with this is I end up spreading myself much too thin and lose sight of my own self-care. It’s usually after these moments that I fall into a worse depression because I feel useless to help people, least of all myself. Anyone have any advice for how to stop myself BEFORE getting to the point where I spread myself too thin?