Terrible and I didn’t know until afterward

Liz • Wife. Mom. Baby #2 due Jan 2021.

So, it’s FINALLY my turn to tell our birth story, and this is so long. Sorry not sorry!

I have had the easiest pregnancy in the world. No morning sickness, no swelling, no back pain until 36w. We did have some preeclampsia issues from 33-36w, but it all cleared up! I mean, 100%! We were scheduled for an induction at midnight, so technically tomorrow 12/15/17. Well, my baby had other plans!

I tried everything to get him to come early so that we wouldn’t have to induce. I ate a whole pineapple, bounced on a birthing ball, walked the track, sex, nipple stimulation, membrane sweep — you name it, but nothing worked.

Yesterday, I had some mild cramping, but nothing out of the ordinary, but my back was absolutely killing me. Like, I told my husband it was the worst back pain I had ever had in my life. The heating pad helped, but only so much.

Well, my husband and I had sex this morning just because we’re running out of time. It has been super uncomfortable for me since about 36w, which I hated because I want him to get it before he had to wait 6 weeks! 😂 Anyway, when it was done, I hurt SO badly.

I had to get to the hospital at 10 because I had preadmission stuff to sign, and while I was sitting there, I realized I was really uncomfortable and still cramping really badly. After I finished up at the hospital, I went to Target to put together an appreciation packet for our nurses. It was getting worse.

Once I got home, I made lunch, then made sure I urinated and drank a bunch of water and laid down on my left side to see if they would go away. Well, being 38+6, drinking bunches of watwr made me pee every 4-5 minutes, so every time I got up, I noticed the cramping again. I started tracking them and they were all between 4-6min, but only lasted 30 seconds (some less!). I went ahead and called my OB’s office, and they worked me in with a partner.

When I got there, they put me in a NST to track my contractions. Well, the girl put it up WAY too high and it wasn’t tracking ANY of them, and my baby wasn’t moving much. They buzzed him two separate times, but he never got crazy. A different nurse came in to hook another lady up and saw my contractions. She asked me if I felt it, to which I said YES! She lowered the monitor and BAM they started gouge crazy!

Ugh, I was on the NST for 1.5hr, and I was fed up. I asked for the nurse to grab the girl who helped me. Well, they finally let me off it and put me in a room to see the doctor. I waited so long and my contractions were getting really strong, so I got dressed and decided I was going to the hospital. When I stood up, the paper that was on the exam chair was wet — I was leaking and didn’t know. I still have no idea when it ruptured.

So, as I try to step out, the doctor told me that I was next and that she would come right in if I undressed. So, she did and I was 5cm and was definitely leaking! They wheeled me across the street to L&D;, and that’s where it gets bad.

I got an epidural around 6, they checked my dilation at 6:45, and I was still a 5. Not such a big deal, but at 8:15, I still hadn’t changed. So, they put me in different positions, give me oxygen, and started watching my baby because his heart rate was dipping during contractions. And they were concerned that there was meconium in my fluid. They put an internal monitor on his head and a catheter in my uterus.

Around 9:30, they started giving me pitocin, but Henry couldn’t handle that either. Around 10:15, they started prepping me for a c-section - the last thing I ever wanted to do! But, my baby needed it.

After delivery, we find out that a part of my placenta had pulled off the uterine wall and already calcified — that’s why i wasn’t dilating any more, my baby had passed meconium a long time ago (it had already dissolved in the fluid and tinted his cord), AND the cord was wrapped around his neck — that’s why he couldn’t tolerate contractions.

I had an emergency section and my beautiful boy was born at 10:58 on 12/14/17. He weighed 6.8 and was 19 3/4in! He is the most precious thing I have ever seen! He wasn’t crying at first and it felt like forever — was probably only a few seconds, but they all said that was good because he wouldn’t swallow more meconium that could be in his throat. He has the cutest nose and the biggest feet. 😂 I love him so much!