Confused!! Pregnant? Experiences please!


So I took a Acutest early sign as my first test (pink dye) and it came back positive, however I didn’t believe it so I asked my partner to pick up some more and he came back with the Numark blue dye tests. I got three clear positive results, 2 in the morning and 1 in the evening, including last night which was a thicker and stronger line. I took another one this morning and the line is barely visible... this mornings and last nights is from the same box. I did drink a glass of milk before I went to bed and held my wee in all night so I’m not sure if that could effect it but my wee was green. If drinking the milk before bed isn’t the cause, does anyone know what it could be? What are your experiences with the Numark tests? I’ve read so many women say they got a clear positive on them but it turned out to be false (however they only tested once) I just find it hard to believe if I got THREE clear positives within 3 days of taking them, it can’t be all false positives surely? But what does this mornings mean?! Have I lost the baby? I did bleed VERY lightly after the pink dye test I took which was a week ago today and then got these 3 positives 4, 5 and 6 days later and then the barely visible one this morning at a week later. I’m just very confused so please someone help!!

(Attached tests- bottom is very faint but I can definitely see it and is just as thick as last nights.)