My birth story..

Emily • 26. Cambridge, UK. Married to my soulmate. Florence Rose born 6th December '17 💗 Instagram _emilymprime

It’s a little bit delayed.. but here we go.

I went into the latent phase of labour on Saturday 2nd December after losing my mucus plug, I was having light contractions on and off that evening but they had gone by the morning. I had experienced very regular Braxton Hicks since 30 weeks so they didn’t really bother me.

They started again on Sunday evening and stopped again on Monday morning, which was the 4th - my due date. My husband and I went for a Nando’s to celebrate 🙈

On Monday night they were quite strong and they didn’t ease up, I was still having them into Tuesday morning when I had an appointment with my midwife. She recommended the usual to try and kick start active labour & booked me in for a stretch & sweep that Saturday.

The rest of the day was much of the same, i bought an exercise ball at the midwife’s recommendation as well as some pineapple.

My husband and I got home about 7pm,where I blew up the exercise ball and sat on it for 10 minutes or so before eating dinner. We then settled down & watched some TV. I wanted to eat the pineapple before going to bed so my husband prepared it for me.

I stood up at 21:15 to put my empty bowl on the kitchen side & my waters broke.

My husband immediately looked terrified as my contractions started, I timed them on my phone and had 8 within 15 minutes - last 55 seconds each. It took me 45 minutes to get through to labour ward where they advised me to stay at home if I could, which I was happy to do despite being in agony.. so I took some paracetamol & my husband rubbed my back with every contraction, whilst watching family guy 😂

I tried to get comfy but just couldn’t, the only position that was remotely bearable was on my hands & knees. I couldn’t contain myself and was a blubbering wreck so my husband told me he was taking me to hospital. I promptly threw up from the pain and agreed.

We took a long time to get out the house due to me not being able to move, and I arrived on labour ward at 11:30pm. Where they checked me and told me I was 3cm dilated - I was absolutely devastated as I’d wanted to stay home until I was about 6/7cm.

They started me on gas & air and I got into the birthing pool at midnight, by this point my contractions were pretty much back to back.

The midwife checked me again at 01:30am and told me I could push if I wanted as I was fully dilated! My husband said the relief on my face was almost comical.

It took me a little while as I abandoned the gas & air but our little girl was born into the water at 02:11am weighing 8lb9oz and absolutely perfect. We were allowed to take her home at 06:30am.

Florence Rose ❤️