Annoying AF

Dana • Momma of two babies 💖 one beautiful baby girl and one handsome baby boy

So I’m sitting here actually waiting for annoying AF and she’s being slow to show up. 😒 why when I don’t want you, here you are? But when I want you, you want to take your sweet ass time? I’m due within the next few days so I’m still holding out hope that she’ll show up. I don’t want to think I could be pregnant yet because it’s literally only been a

day but another part of me can’t help but be a teensy bit suspicious. Maybe I got preggo without really trying, I haven’t the slightest idea. 🤷🏻‍♀️

••Also, I know this doesn’t *seem* to have anything to do with TTC but if my periods are regular, I can get back on my folic acid and try for #2. I just need to know that my cycle is regular and every day that this hag doesn’t show, isn’t helping.••

*Update for anyone who cares(?)*

One of my ovaries is feeling a bit tight, this for me usually means AF is about to show. So fingers crossed she comes on time.