Early Pregnancy or failed pregnancy


Hello, so based on my missed period I should be 6 weeks along. Here's the thing, my period usually happens anywhere from 28 to 36 days and based on glow I was fertile from November 21st to the 27th which would actually put me at 3 weeks. my period was apparently due November 30th based off Glow. last Thursday I had a very faint positive and then the next day wish was last Friday was also very faint but the line was darker and you could see it from arm's length or more. so I went to my ultrasound yesterday and I had a faint positive but they couldn't find anything on the ultrasound. so They did a blood test yesterday and doing another one on Saturday and then follow up on Monday to talk about results. I am very worried but I have had no bleeding with cramping, sharp pains in breast, headaches, insomnia, lower back cramps, heart burn, and the whole works. has anyone ever had this problem..... should I have bled if it was a failed pregnancy..... Any advice or stories will help