Need to vent I have no friends literally lol

Me and my “fiancé” have been together for 3 years going on 4 years . We have a 7 month old baby girl who we love and is our world. Unfortunately I am tired of being behind in my car payment not having groceries being behind on rent and basically everything. This is a revolving situation and I’m sick of it . He is ruining my credit so badly I feel like he is ruining me as well. I took off my engagement ring left it on my side bed table, and it magically disappeared. I found a picture of it in his phone which make me think he sold it. I just want to pick up and go but I have no money to do so ugh

Editing ***

My family is 5 hours away .

He makes $23 the hour $40 hourly for overtime he’s shifts are from 6 am -3 pm he stays from 3pm -8pm for overtime . He comes home at 9 or 10 pm he is a wind turbine tech. Which we moved from Dallas to Lubbock Texas for this job . We don’t have sex at all we’ve only had sex 2 times in November. He says he doesn’t want me to touch him . Yet he kisses me on the forehead and hugs me and cuddles so i choose not to think he’s cheating on me because of his affection towards me but no sex at all .

Rent is $600 bills like water and electricity comes out to $60 internet and micselanious comes out to $300 ( furniture payment included)

My car payment is $410 which I do photography so I always end up paying half or paying a bill I stay at home but every photography session I do the money goes to the car or groceries or anything I can help with. Yesterday I received a letter from the land lord that he did not pay rent for dec. not the bills . So I’m super pist off and like I said ready to be on my own . Before me and him got together I lived on my own and had always $2,000 in savings Idk why or where it’s going because I have made phone calls and he hasn’t payed anything for the month of November and December!