Pit bulls at my door


At 3am last night there was a viscous dog fight at my neighbors. The 3 pit bulls broke through the fence and were roaming my front yard which we share. We live in a guest house so our front yard is their backyard. Anyway my husband had warned me and I didn’t see them at 6am when I was ready to go to work. I took one step out my door and close the door behind me and all 3 came running towards me full speed barking and growling. I backed up still facing them as well as I could but I had locked the door. They were within 2 feet of me. The largest, an intact male blue male with a head the size of a soccer ball, jumped up on my computer bag which was my only defense. Somehow I reached the key from under a planter, unlocked it, ran it, and slammed it in their face. All three, a smaller red/brown female, a blue/white older puppy, and the huge blue male sat at my doorstep growling, barking, climbing the door and stucco, etc. They didn’t move for 20 minutes. We literally couldn’t open our door. Then our neighbors up front started to come out so the dogs spent the next hr alternating between threatening in front of our door, and doing the same in front of our front neighbors door. I called 911 at 6am and was transferred 3x to animal control. A half hr later I called back because our landlord was coming over and he asked my husband to shoot the dog if they went after him. I called 911 again to ask. Well that got their attention, and then I told them they had attacked me. An hr and a half later the cops showed up after I had to deal with some snorting dispatcher who literally told me, “ well, what do you want the cops to do, shoot the dog?” Hell yes, I love dogs, but I’m not sparing one that’s attacking people. Then she told me to go wait in front of the house. I responded that I cannot leave my house because they are on my porch and we live in the back. So with some snotty attitude, she responds “well how do you expect them to gain access?” Well duh, the people up front are home. You have my address. Break down the damn fence if you have to. Stop making stupid excuses. Sorry I’m mad. But I guess for the faithful few who read through the end. What do you suggest? 1) survival tips when three vicious dogs are at your feet 2). How should I respond or should to respond to the issue with the dispatcher?

3). Any other thoughts?