Our Fertility Story


My husband and I were married November 14, 2015. We had decided before the wedding that i would stop taking my birth control and just see what happens. We weren't actively trying at this point. Then when we reached the 18 month mark with not even an oops or scare, we decided its time to just get down to it and start tracking. I went to the OBGYN to make sure i was in the all clear and my husband went to get himself checked as well. We both came back good to go. After speaking with my OBGYN, she said that since we had been "trying" for so long with no results, it might be worth it to try Clomid for a few cycles and see if that helps. So i did 3 cycles of Clomid with nothing as the outcome. At this point, my OBGYN said that its time to see a specialist. My husband and i sat down and had a "come to jesus" talk about it all and if we really wanted to go this route. We decided that since nothing has worked thus far, it wouldnt hurt to see what the specialist says. Plus the consultation is covered by our insurance and we already met our deductible. LOL So this past Wednesday we sat down with the fertility specialist and mapped out a plan. She stated that she believes that i am "insulin resistant" and it is affecting my eggs & follicles. So she has started me on Metformin, 500mg twice a day. She also said that come the next cycle, i go in to have blood work and an ultrasound down, and if everything comes back good, we are going to try another medication to maybe boost egg development, Femara. She said this was a better option with being insulin resistant. we also will be doing timed intercourse. So once i get that positive OPK, i go back and get an injection and have intercourse for the next 3 days. Then we start the TWW.

I guess im just telling you all this because i guess i am freaking out. Im afraid that if this doesnt work, that would be the end of our story. We both want a baby so badly but we know we would never be able to afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> or adoption. Thanks for listening <3