Control your kid or I will‼️

j.g🥀 • 25, mother of 1 👧🏽💕

*****Update: Thank you to everyone that has responded. Me and my SO grew up differently than my daughter is growing now. We both have been in multiple fights because of bullies, my daughter on the other hand cries just thinking about hurting someone else. She doesn't want to even tell the kids to leave her alone. She think silence is the best thing and we try to encourage her to speak up about everything. We always tell her to let us know her feelings no matter how bad they are. It breaks my heart to hear my daughter tell us "I wish I had a different life". That is why I'm in rage and wish i could just drag those kids' parents across town to teach them a lesson or two. This week is her last week before winter break, if they don't leave her alone her daddy and I will definitely be hunting down those parents outside of school limits.

This week my 6 year old daughter was getting bullied by three 2nd graders during lunch time, they were picking on her and calling her names. We immediately told her to let teachers know about the incident and the next day she did just that. 1 of those 3 kids found out that my daughter told the principal and she had the nerve to tell her "I'm going to tell my sister, and we're going to beat you up". That to me is a threat! I don't care if she meant it or not, so this morning we went to talk to the principal, in which she seemed concerned and said she would go sit with my daughter at lunch and try to find these bullies. My daughter found them and the principal confronted them, and they lied about ever messing with my child. They gave fake names and denied doing anything. Now, the principal told my daughter "I'm going to try to fix the issue, but if they don't stop there's nothin I can do about it".🤔

Calling their parents is the LAST option she gave us.

Now me and her dad are very protective of our daughter, we told her if the bullies try to touch her than she has every right to defend herself! Yes!!! physically defend herself!!! & we will make sure she DOES NOT get in trouble for it.

I don't want to encourage my daughter to fight but if your kid touches my child, just know your child is going to get touched back.

Once you tell the highest authority at the school, what more can you possibly do? If they can't fix it, who can?

I CAN! If your daughter goes crying to you because I spoke up to her about leaving my daughter alone DO NOT be surprised because you had it coming!

The school district here is independent, they DO NOT care about the students as much as they make it seem. Many parents here complain about bullying and other issues and nothing ever gets taken care of. It just gets swept under the rug in hopes we all forget.

I know EVERYONE has heard about these innocent children taking their lives away because of these untamed kids. I REFUSE to ever have my daughter feel like suicide is the only way out. She went threw this when she was smaller, she cried every morning because she didn't want to go to school. She won't go through that again. Some parents need to control their children and keep them in check. If your kid bullies my daughter YOU & I will have personal issues, end of story!

My daughter is loved by all her classmates and all of the staff, she has friends in every grade. She is very respectful and now has to worry about these brats picking on her. Is it that hard to teach your kids RESPECT?

Kids are a reflection of what is going on at home, don't have your kids out here making you look like a fool. It's sad and embarrassing!