What Should I do?

Okay so this is kind of long but I need serious help. So I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 17 and we've been together for over a year, a year and 3 months almost. When we first started out, he was very distant, and I figured it was because I was his first girlfriend,we talked it out and afterwards we started talking more, holding hands, and by 4 months into the relationship we actually kissed. Things got iffy over the summer and we ended up taking a break for 3 weeks after he just didn't talk to me for 24 hours and proceeded to tell me it was cause he didn't have time (mind you this is a 24 hour period, not including the night before, and the next day), which I didn't believe because it was Sunday and on Sundays he has Boyscouts and to mow the lawn and that's it. We got back on track and ended the break. Well things have been mostly fine until since that break (4 1/2 months ago) until recently. He got a job and I expect him to go silent, but that's not the Problem. He doesn't seem to want to talk to me anymore, or see me, or hell, he didn't even show up at lunch today. I try talking to him about stuff like this but he just doesn't listen. And not only that, my friends tell me I can do better, and so do my parents, my parents have told me that I have to break up with him after he graduates. I love him, a lot Actually (probably too much for my own good) but here's the thing, whenever we don't talk, he tells me he's doing homework, but recently he's been in huge trouble with his parents because he hasn't been doing his homework and is now failing a class. I just don't know what to do, he doesn't listen when I try to talk to him and he doesn't seem to care, I'm just so stressed from finals and this isn't seeming to help. And like I take all advanced courses, and will be taking 4 AP courses over the next 3 semesters and I've started working on all my college stuff (He's already done all his and has been accepted) so I don't know what's up. What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this? Please someone help me... 😞😞

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