Is she trying to get pregnant??

I’m a nanny to 3 kids. I’ve been with them for a while now, and the mom has never really mentioned having another one (the youngest is only 14 months). I’ve seen her take the pill a few times and figured she wasn’t trying but recently she had prenatal vitamins out on the bathroom counter and it made me wonder if she’s planning on having another or trying. I️ don’t want to ask because I️ think it would be awkward. I️ love the kids but I️ don’t know if I️ would want to take on another child for them (I️ work 5 days/11 hour days). It’s stressful. I️ know it’s not my place and I️ would never bring it up, but does this seem strange to anyone else that she has prenatals and is taking the pill? Could it mean she’s trying?

And no, she’s not breastfeeding