

Update at the end.


Hi all,

I am 10 DPO. Yesterday night, I started spotting and just took it as implantation bleeding. The weird thing was that the blood was bright red and not light pink to brown as everyone described it. I did not see any clots. But I still took it as implantation bleeding. Then early this morning (5 am), I woke up to much more bleeding. It was good enough to almost fill a whole pad. It was also pretty red. There were even some small clots. I’m not sure what this is now. I’m still 5 days away from my period.

Please help! What is this? Has anyone been through this before? I really REALLY hope it’s not my period. 😱😭😩

UPDATE (12/15):

I went to the doctor. She ordered me an transvaginal ultrasound and she took blood to test for HCG and one more thing (I can’t remember what it is). She thinks it may have been an early miscarriage or that a cyst or a fibroid popped causing this bleeding. Or an early period. I won’t know any results till Monday or Tuesday. As of right now, signs are not pointing to

pregnancy. (Although secretly I’m hoping that a miracle happens and that I am pregnant.) I just don’t know how to feel right now. 😔