I have to keep telling myself I CAN do this

So for the last 11 years I have smoked pot every single day..I started when I was 13 and when I was about 16 up until the age of 21 I was addicted to pills and cocaine..now I didn’t know it at the time that it was an addiction because I had never gone without..I still smoked pot regularly, when I chose to stop doing coke and pills I then found out that it was an addiction, smoking pot is the only thing that genuinely helped the withdrawals..fast forward to 7 months ago when I found out I was pregnant..still hadn’t touched anything more than pot at the time..I told myself if I could willingly walk away from my two favorite drugs I could walk away from the one thing that had been in my life for the last 11 years. I quit smoking for 3 weeks the day I found out I was pregnant..please no judgment as I had spoke to my doctor about the fact that my morning sickness was absolutely brutal and he told me that if smoking helped me from being ill and allowed me to eat then I could smoke as long as I stopped when my morning sickness subsided..as a recovering drug addict I found that weed was the only thing stopping me from feeling the urge to do other drugs even though I hadn’t touched a pill or coke in about 2 years and wouldn’t dream of it especially being pregnant...I’m now 28 weeks pregnant and I have gone 4 days without smoking anything. I’m beyond proud of myself for making it this far but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with my urges. I have to keep telling myself I can do this and I will do this for my son. I expect quite a bit of backlash considering I started smoking again after I had quit when I spoke to my doctor..I’m not looking for judgement so don’t waste your time because nasty comments will not affect me in anyway shape or form. I’m Posting this for the simple fact that I’m proud of myself for telling myself it’s possible. I had a life before pot and I will have one again. I became incredibly dependent on it and it is by no means easy to quit but this is for my son, not me. My boyfriend has been incredibly supportive and quit with me as well. He also quit smoking cigarettes, although I never smoked cigarettes in my life. Again. I’m not looking for judgement or recognition. I’m just letting everyone and anyone know that is struggling with the same thing that it IS possible. 💪🏻