Have you ever???


So just for funzies I figured I would give this a shot. According to Glow my period was due on 12/13 I spotted a couple days prior a light amount and then some on the 13 then nothing. So I told Glow my period is late and Glow adjusted to day I’ll start on the 17. So I will retest with first morning urine then. Fingers crossed for me please!

ANYWAY! To the fun part; I read somewhere if you have a dried test the way to see if it’s an evap vs a faint positive is to drop a few drops of water were the urine goes. So I figured what the heck. I took a test this morning 12/15 and I swear I saw a faint line. Then went to work, came home it was pretty dark line but decided I would test out this evap thing. Any one else ever done it??

This mornings test.

This mornings test but after drying.

Water absorbing.

After a few minutes. What do you guys think? I’m still seeing a pink line. Anyone else??

Has any one else ever tried it?? What were your results!?