Two week wait ✨👶🏼

Trais • Mommy to a 2 year old son and due nov 2018 with baby number 2 married to an amazing man

So I had two positive opks on cycle day 12 and 13. Me and my SO did the baby dancing on cd 8,10,11,12,13,16 I wasn’t able to the 14,15 due to being randomly being sick. Well I’m 6dpo right now and I am just so impatient. On cd 14 I woke up at 4 am nauseous and headache and on cd 15 I was up early had to get ready and it took me an hour to do my hair cause I was just gross feeling. I am having cramps in my lower right pelvic area and today I am just constant back pain and cramps like a period but my AF is not due till 23-26. TMI I had diarrhea for like two days straight and now im constipated. And then I will have days I’m not hungry or tired and today I’m hungry all the time and so exhausted. Any other mommy’s in this position?? Help!!