I'm going crazy and I can't stop trying


ugh so I'm going through this app and I start crying like a baby because I want to get pregnant so bad I have been with my SO 10 years and 2 months after being together I was pregnant and then after that we have not used any BC at all and I've always wanted a second child so we have tried and tried and nothing and as much as I try not to get on here or give up I can't and I'm always setting myself up for failure like this month I'm supposed to be 9dpo but I had 3 positive days of opks and barley a bbt rise my boobs are sore I'm so tiered I've had af cramps every day since 2dpo and they get painful at times I'm so moody headaches some nausea heartburn from hell bloated and sore boobs but...... I know not all is in my head but I think I want it so bad I'm making myself go crazy and I'm happy for the women who have gotten their BFP but I'm also jealous so now I'm sitting crying asking God why can he just answer this prayer please and let me get my miracle baby please sorry I just needed to vent and get this out I have no friends due to moving and I stay to myself a lot too