My best friend is dating a fboy, what do I do?

So my best friend has known this guy for 4 months now and they’ve been dating ever since. I think this guy is kind of sketchy and immature. When they had their first real fight, he wasn’t taking her seriously and just joking around, until he realised she was actually mad. I got annoyed at how immature he was being and I told my best friend he needs to man up. She has already met his parents and he pleasured her for the first time at his place (no sexual intercourse). I was lowkey against it because I felt as if it was too early. Ever since they met, he’s always been asking her why she can’t have sex with him? Obviously, she says she cares about her dignity yadah yadah. But now she’s questioning whether if she should or not because she’s “going to lose it anyway” I told her she should wait and think about properly. My boyfriend thinks i’m not being protective enough over her and that I’m encouraging it because I drove her to this fboy’s place to hang out. I told him that at the end of the day, this her choice. I’m not sure where I stand, anymore. Am i not doing enough?