
Christel 💋 • Married 10/14/2017♥️ Mommy to Jace 11/25/2018💙💚

I am getting so depressed while ttc. I can only try Friday- Sunday because my husband works out of town, so my chances are slim unless I ovulate on one of those days.

So many people are posting their Christmas pregnancy announcements on my Facebook or their newborns pictures. I am so happy for them, but I am so upset for my husband and me.

I have been doing so much to try to get pregnant. I am tired of hearing “Just stop trying, it’ll happen when it happens.” Well, alright, you stop trying for everything you want in life and watch it still happen. Nope, not going to happen, right?

I have been tracking my ovulation since the day my period ended. This weekend was supposed to be my fertile week, but all negative OV tests.

I told my friend that if it does not happen this cycle I am done trying, because I want to be intimate with my husband without stressing that we will get pregnant.

I have been ttc with baby #1 for two years with no luck and it’s killing me. Negative pregnancy tests, negative Ov tests, negative everything. It’s so heartbreaking. I am tired of the heart break.

My friend constantly brings up the fact that she can’t have children and that she wants to be the God parent of mine. Every time we go to the store she heads straight to the baby section and picks up random stuff and says they would be adorable on my baby. She tells me everyday to take my vitamins and drink my premama fertility drink. She tells me I need to try everything to get pregnant, because she can’t.

It’s heartbreaking for me, because I know that it’s not only my husband and myself I’m letting down, it’s my friend too now.

I just want to cry my eyes out, but I have to be strong.