Is ok to start TTC?

So I had a D&C; in nov. it’s been 4 weeks now & at my follow up I was supposed to get an ultrasound and checked to see if everything was healing properly. Well I thought I had started my period but it was just light spotting so that appt. was pretty pointless, I have a male Dr. not sure if he didn’t want to check me so he scheduled me until Jan. to do the pelvic/ultrasound exam. He pressed on my pubic bone(think that’s what it’s called) & asked if I felt pain I said No & he said that was a good thing. Anyway he asked me to wait a regular menstrual cycle before trying to start to conceive again I’m on my period now (was just spotting the first time not my actual period like I thought) but is it okay to start trying after or should I wait for my appt, since he didn’t actually check anything?? Thanks in advance!!