
So I know many of y'alls first response will be go to the doctor!!! and I plan on it as soon as I get my insurance worked out... But anyway here's what's wrong... so a couple weeks ago I noticed I was itching really bad under my right breast... so I lifted it up and there was a rash (no picture)... I am a DDD so I figured maybe I didn't dry well enough and I started chafing or something... so I didn't give that one much thought... A couple days later I noticed that the "rash" was moving up the side of my breast and I had another rash located at the top of my left breast (no pictures) so I changed my soaps and lotions and such... well now there are 2 more the one under my right boob is more like a sore... it's a red bump surrounded by little tiny red bumps

and then on the left breast I have what looks like a rash...

have any of y'all experienced this before? Maybe have an idea of what it may be? Thanks in advance