Was anyone else's school SHIT?

You know what I did in highschool?

Art. I am not naturally skilled in art..but by the time I was 18 I designed my own tattoo 😂❤️

My classes? Seriously this is so sad.

We didn't do work in class.

The only class I did work in was advanced English (I do not even know how I got there. Advanced at our school did not mean shit) but I loved it because it actually challenged me. It was the only class in school that involved effort and I was starving to have some type of challenge in school.

We had a teacher who taught us nothing the entire year. We just sat in her class, i drew and everyone else socialized and watched me draw.

At the end of the year, we all failed our tests. Every single student failed so she got fired.

We passed all the other classes because we were taught the bare minimum.

What did I learn in HS? Some English and some art.

Do you want to know what we did in health class? We dressed barbies with grass and shit and took demonic robot baby dolls home that screamed every 20 minutes.

And we were told that sex would make us "dirty"

So yeah. That was my highschool life. And that's pathetic.