10 month old eating.


my 10 month old eats more than me his pregnant mommy. every day is different with different serving size foods but just to put it into perspective he eats 2 jars of oatmeal serving size is 2 per jar, a full big bananna, 4 teething wafers, a cup of yogurt, and a whole boiled egg and a half, and some puffs and that's just for breakfast on the average day and i never give him more than what he asks for, he literally screams until I give him the next dish every time. he eats basically that much every meal and nurses at least 5 times a day everyday. he's a slim boy because he is the most active baby I ever laid my eyes on but he his huge 25 lbs already. he's always ate this way though from birth to 6 months he wpuld have strictly breast milk every half hour every day, then 6 months and up he started eating sooooooo much food gradually uping his intake. is this normal? he was born a big baby 9lbs but great at an extraordinary weight he's been over 20lbs since 4 months old his weight slowed a lot since he became more active. he also gets maybe 2 oz of water a day. I don't mind how much he eats personally but my wallet does I find myself grocery shopping more often because we are basically feeding 2 extra adults in one baby lol. the doctor said he's extremely healthy. he never throws up what I give him either sometimes he even asks for more than that but I don't give it to him because I can't even begin to understand how he eats that much in the first place. when he asks for more ill give him toast or something but a little at a time so I don't stuff him but he winds up eating the whole thing anyway. Lol sorry I keep editing this.