Wow... Different symptoms.


Everyone always says each pregnancy is different and you just never understand till you’ve experienced it. With our son Morning Sickness was strong and 24 hours a day. Only physically got sick a handful of times, but the nausea didn’t go away till 1/2 way through 2nd Trimester. I was the happiest pregnant person not emotional, and had food aversions up the ying yang. And I had plenty of energy.

Although, still early at 6 1/2 weeks I’ve experienced 0 morning sickness this time around and I’m an emotional wreck. PMS on steroids!!! I’m on the verge of crying 90% of the time I’m awake. And, I’m starving all the time. The fatigue is killer. I had to lay down on the couch and just close the doors to the bathrooms and pray my child wouldn’t get into too much trouble as my eyes just wouldn’t stay open.

Wow... for opposite symptoms. Holy Moly! It’s a guessing game this time around as it’s all very different.