Husband performance issues


So, this is our first time TTC. My OBGYN put me on Clomid and this is the first month we've started actually trying.

The first night of my ovulation, I told my husband that I wanted to at least have sex every other night. Well, he psyched himself out so much thinking that if he didn't do everything JUST right that we wouldn't get pregnant and just couldn't "get it up." Me, being an emotional wreck anyways, started crying and jumping to conclusions. I've gained some weight since we got married/took me off of BC and of course I just assumed that he wasn't attracted anymore which he assured me that wasn't even a thought that crossed his mind.

We have only had sex 2 times on this cycle and I'm worried that if we don't have intercourse more often that our chances just won't be all that great.

Does anyone else struggle with their husband not being able to perform? We're both still so young and want three kiddos of our own.

Help, please!!!