My baby girl Jaslynn

Jenna • Live, laugh, and love!

Jaslynn Alaysha-Noelle White is here!! Born 5:53pm, December 11th, 2017, 7lbs 14oz, 20 inches long!! I am so blessed to be a mommy of two beautiful little girls! 💝

Waited forever to post her birth announcement lol I was induced and had no tearing or stitches and Jaslynn latched on like a champ! When we left the hospital Wednesday (12/13) she only lost 5% of her birth weight which is amazing. Then at my lactation appointment yesterday they checked her weight and asked about the feeding and come to find out she is now 8lbs lol the nurses and doctor were all amazed she's 4 days old and already past birth weight! 🎊