In Laws don’t approve of our child’s name!


UPDATE: So since there has been so much controversy over her name with them, me and my fiancé made the decision to keep her name a secret until she is born and we have written her name on the birth certificate. They don’t seem to be too happy about that. Mostly his mom continues to throw in her input saying oh “you guys aren’t going to name her this or this” and it’s making me sooooooo livid to the point where i just want to scream in her face ITS NOT YOUR CHILDD!! But since it’s his Mom i can’t disrespect her like that. This whole situation is so frustrating. If she does it again i’m going to tell her “I don’t appreciate you telling me what to name our daughter, i find it very rude.” is there a nice way to say this???


So me and my fiancé were thinking of names for our daughter and i came up with the name penelope since its such a cute and unique name which is what we like! We told his parents about it when they asked and immediately they started criticizing it which upset us so much! They are hispanic and pene in spanish apparently means penis and they automatically associated that name with penis. How disrespectful! I regret even considering telling them the name we came up with. First of all we live in america where the domain language is English so i don’t think anyone would think of it like that and second.. even if we lived in a spanish speaking country i don’t think decent people would make fun of her name like that. It’s so upsetting!! i don’t want them to criticize her name her whole life and i definitely don’t want any negativity towards a name we pick for her. I think the best thing now is to wait until she’s born to tell people her name, that’s the way it’s going to have to be. Not to mention since we are living with them, his Dad said “you know since i’m helping you out and letting you live here, and since it’s my first grand daughter can you name her so and so”