I quit my job


I have been working at my job for a year and a half. At first everything is great, the girl that I was replacing trained me for a week doing project coordinating/management and because I have previous experience it was so easy for me to learn.

My boss left me on my own for two weeks to go overseas after my first or second week. He had full trust in me to look after everything for him, work with the other staff unsupervised and everything went well.

After few months, I noticed my boss was paying less attention to his company, neglecting us his staff and the workloads, and he was concentrating more on his brother's business. Still my position was still good as I was doing great at my job. I always hear a lot of praises towards us when he speaks to his brother.

One day my boss decided to make my colleagues redundant, he started firing them one by one. I was the only one left. He said he wants me to help out at his brother's business and he will slowly close down his company. In the meantime, he wants me to continue doing my job and his brother will train me for the new role. As the weeks gone by, I started to become overwhelmed and stressed out. I was doing two job positions at the same time. Phones are ringing, customers coming in and out of the office, my mobile phone is ringing, the trades coming in the office too asking what jobs they have, the suppliers are calling/emailing wanting to know who ordered what and when will it be delivered and to what site. His brother was not training me and eventhough I asked him to teach me he doesn't have the time to stop and train me. My boss will ask me how I was doing while he was on another call and as soon as I tell him about how I feel and how the new workload is affecting my efficiency, he just ignores me and continue on with his phone calls. I've tried to communicate to my boss that this new arrangement is not fair but I was afraid that he will think that I was incapable of multitasking.

It got to a stage that his brother and I will have lengthy meetings, him blaming me for all the mistakes that were happening in his company. I also explain why the mistakes happened as I was juggling the work for two companies. I did asked him how can I fix it, maybe there's another way I can organise my multiple workloads. He simply said "maybe we should start deducting all your mistakes off your payment". I was shocked by this but kept quiet. I was afraid he will let me go. After work I went home and cried. It went on like this for three months.

Three weeks ago when I had a meeting with my boss, I wanted to explain to him what I was going through but instead of listening to me. He too blamed me for all the mistakes that was happening at his company. I broke down in tears in front of him and I quit. I told him that the workplace is not what it used to be and that I was unhappy with the work arrangements. There's no clear communication and it's not right that I was put in to a new position without proper training and it is unfair that they are making me work for two companies at the same time, with one pay (no additional payments).

Last Friday was my last day. For a week I trained a new girl for my position. I trained her well, good thing she's a fast learner. Last week, my boss has called me for a number of meetings and he will simply say "I don't think you will find a workplace as good as this company... I really don't understand why were you so unhappy". He even mocked me a few times, he would say "have you found a new job yet? Are you just gonna rough it out this December and January?". Then he giggles.

Him and his brother will always say hurtful things towards me before and I used to think it was just jokes but it was an emotional abused.

I'm glad I'm finally out of there. I have a job interview this Monday and I hope that goes well.

For anyone reading this, I would appreciate your stories about your jobs and experiences. I'm pretty sure there are some people who were treated badly at work and don't think they have an option. Always remember money does not buy happiness and we should not put up with abusive employers, there is always a way out.

***** UPDATE *****

I went on another job interview on 22 DEC 2017, the interview went well and I wrote down my previous boss as well as my other employer before him as my references. As I was driving home after the interview I started thinking that my previous boss could easily bad mouth me. I rushed home and I quickly wrote an email thanking the manager who interviewed me. I was in the process of attaching all the reference letters I can find from other employers I had work for in the past then my phone started ringing. It was the HR officer and he said I GOT THE JOB!!! Just before Christmas, I got a new job!!! I start next week on 2 JAN 2018. Everything is possible and I am so glad I made the decision I made. I did have some moments of regret but it was for the better. Never settle and do what makes you happy.