Is she overreacting?

Let me start of by saying, I’m 19 and live with my mom, she told me she wants me to stay with her for the first two years of my daughters life so she can help. She does a lot for me and we have a great relationship, but she has a huge Great Dane and babies him so much, he is allowed to eat off the kitchen counters, he’s allowed to jump on all the furniture. He’s not well behaved at all and I’ve asked if she could be a little more stern so he would learn proper manors because he’s huge and can literally reach on top of our fridge. Anyway, i have been trapped inside my room because she won’t even put him outside for more than 5 minutes, so i basically sit in my room all day, have to leave my daughter upstairs & shut my door in order to get water, i don’t have time to make myself food because if i put him outside, she brings him back in immediately and he has tried a few times to jump on my daughter & my mom doesn’t really do anything to get him away from her. She constantly says i need to stop overreacting & let him see her or he will never know what or who she is. So i put up a status on Facebook saying i really am not enjoying animals right now & my friend said her dogs tear up her daughters toys and bark all the time & i said , “luckily my mothers dog doesn’t do that, he only barks to protect us, but i can’t really go downstairs because of the dogs, so i’ve been sitting in my room the past 2 weeks haha” and my mom came upstairs and said “why don’t you post about everything i do for you instead of bash me” and decided she isn’t going to hang out with me tomorrow because she’s so mad about me posting that comment. I’m obviously not even mad about being in my room, I’m just bored, & i absolutely hate not being able to help myself or ask for someone to ask my daughter because if she watches her, i worry she’s going to let her dog jump on her. and I’ve told her that multiple times & every time she starts an argument saying I’m ungrateful and there is only so much she can do. Am I wrong? Is she overreacting about this? Why is a comment where i wasn’t even being rude making her act petty toward me..