Feeling confident in myself and really want to share

Yael • My baby girl is my WORLD

I've been losing weight and I can honestly finally say I'm feeling confident in myself. With PCOS I have always been heavier, and last year I got to my heaviest EVER. But these last several months I've gotten control back and I finally feel confident. I really don't want to post this to people I know, because people can always be harsh, so I thought I would share with a bunch of supportive ladies because honestly....I feel amazing! Also, I refuse to look at the scale. I don't even know how much I've lost. But everyone seems to be noticing and my clothes are all getting too big.

This time last year:

Pictures I just took today after buying clothes at Torrid (because Torrid is amazing and there is nothing wrong with being plus sized)

Thanks for reading ladies! I hope some of you can find hope in this. I have always hated myself with every power of my being, and now I'm finally starting to build some confidence (with the help of my wonderful husband)