My Mother


I love my mother but...

Before I was married, I tried to be independent but anywhere I looked and went I felt my mother was following me. She was even reaching out to the people I got my first job from to see how I was doing. Also, in college she frequently reached out to my landlord to find out who I was dating. She was even asking me to commute to a different county back home every weekend.

After I got married and moved to California, my mother never stopped calling me. I was on the brink of telling her to F off, but I didn’t, after all she’s my mother.

Everything got worse after I got pregnant when she wanted to tell me what to do with my life. It got so bad that she tried to control my pooping, believe it or not.

Eventually my sister had to intervene and tell my mother to F off and keep her distance which worked for a while.

After having my daughter, my mother decided to butt in again. Anything and everything I did seemed wrong to her with her conservative catholic values. Luckily I’m blessed with a very understanding husband and a supportive sister.

My daughter is now 1 and my mother still try’s to butt in and tell me constantly how I’m doing things wrong.

These days I decide when to talk to my family and keep my mother at Bay with a threat of no communication with her if she crosses the line. She has been great, but still occasionally obnoxious, yet we get along.

Can anyone relate?