6 days late... exercise??


Hi all, I came off the pill nearly 8 months ago and been regular with nothing odd going on.

However, this month I am now 6 days late, to ease my mind I did a pregnancy test after 2 days missed and it was negative.

My questions is more around exercise and how that can affect your periods. I have been actively using the gym 5 days a week for the last 4 months and wondering if this may be the reason for my missed period? (Not a natural gym goer previously)

This month I have experiences normal "pre period" symptoms and have felt as though it was going to show up with cramps etc but nope it didn't come!

Can anyone share any similar experiences?

Also just to cover basis, hubby and I have been using the "pull out method" as although we are not actively trying to conceive it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen we just wanted to wait until the new year.
