

Hi ladies started round 3 of femara Thursday. Little backstory is we have been trying almost 2 years now. Hubby checks clear. I have poly cystic like ovaries but no PCOS and other than that unexplained infertility. Started clomid in April and got our first ever positive in May. Sadly no baby ever grew and we tried 2 more rounds of clomid with no luck. After that 2 rounds of femara with trigger shots. Both times I had at least 1 mature follicle before giving myself the trigger shot. I was so hopeful for this last month but AF showed her ugly face. I’ve been taking my prenatal and drinking a fertility tea. Want to know if anyone else has any other tricks or suggestions. This is probably our last round using fertility meds before we have to think about <a href="">IVF</a>. Thanks for reading!