Just a little rant

It irritates me to no end to see people bashing others for choices they’ve made...specifically when it comes to smoking weed..to the people who haven’t smoked or don’t smoke...please educate the fuck out of yourself before you judge or just keep your mouth shut. “ oh you can’t drive stoned” “ you can’t physically function stoned” meanwhile they’re indulging in their wine, and booze while some chose to indulge in a puff to release stress. Please let’s go out on a closed course and see how you drive after 4 glasses of wine, and how I drive after 4 hits of weed. You ignorant ignorant people really need to quiet down. “Weed is a gateway drug” yes as that may be true for some and I’ll be the first to tell you because for me it didn’t stop at weed as I progressed to pills and cocaine, and when that came to an end I still smoked weed on the regular before finding out I was pregnant. Now as I wouldn’t put my child in any danger with ANY drug whatsoever, women who bash another person or mother specifically...again please educate yourself because the ones who have educated themselves will gladly tear you down and put you in your place. 😊